Adding Colours to Database


I wish we could select different colours for data in the database. It would help me a lot if we could colour code and would help make my data a lot easier to understand and edit.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @Osman that would very cool! We have lots of improvements we want to make the database experience but they will come over time but improvements are definitely on the radar

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    @Osman whet color coding did you have in mind? I’m gathering data for a chrome extension to enhance the xano experience.

  • Osman
    Osman Member
    edited June 2023

    @Ray Deck That seems like a really interesting idea and something I'd love to try when you build it out! My own particular use case for it would be fairly basic and I just want to be able to colour some of the fields or records of the database and potentially also individual records without any conditions for it, so just manual colour editing, whereas, I believe airtable uses conditions like if the category name is "games" then it can be a particular colour etc.

    It's just to segmentate my database so it is easier to understand when looking at a glance or even when adding information to it.