How do I store Data from different external APIs and Airtables into one Master file?


Hi Everyone,

How do I set up the database with the following use case: A user wants to get an analysis of a company. He/She, therefore, enters the company name. Let's call it "Google". The analysis of the company "google" can take several hours/ days; therefore, the Frontend does not need to give the answer to the "company analysis" immediately.

  1. Once the Company name "Google" was entered the API and Database should do:
    1. GET data from several different external sources (external APIs) and store it in Masterfile X
    2. GET data from my Airtables and store it in Masterfile X
  2. Once I have the Master file X with the relevant data, I need to run the analysis for the result/ output
  3. The result/ output should then be presented to Frontend

Many thanks for your help. I am not a dev guy, so hope there are videos of Xano that help me pull this together :).

Many thanks and best wishes,
