Weird database column header display

fredo22 Member
edited June 2023 in ? Help! I'm a Noob

Hey Peeps. Can anyone tell me why this table is not displaying the ID column header correctly? The ID column display width does not match the ID column header width. If I try to reduce the size of the ID column header, the actual ID column reduces at the same time. Also, the time_as_text column header is showing, but the actual column is missing [see blank space between gym_id column ("BC Upper") and # team_home_id column ("15")] I tried relaunching Xano but it didn't help. Any suggestion for how to reset this view?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @fredo22 that looks quite odd. What browser are you using?

  • fredo22
    fredo22 Member

    Brave (a chromium browser)

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    hmm.. Can you please write into the support chat in product or email with this screenshot and the database table? I suspect this is a bug but they'll be able to dig deeper and diagnose properly.

  • Mike Akister
    Mike Akister Member

    @fredo22 I was also having the same issue a few days ago. I was using Chrome though on a Mac Book Pro M1, the issue did not seem to happen on my windows machine, but then I can't be sure I was viewing the same table on my windows machine.

  • ricarzam
    ricarzam Member

    I've the same issue.

  • Guillaume Maison
    Guillaume Maison Member ✭✭

    @Michael Udinski same in here and for a client of mine.

  • fredo22
    fredo22 Member
    edited June 2023

    I had the issue on M1 Mac Big Sur 11.4. Brave browser v1.52.122 (Jun 6, 2023).

    When I opened Xano in Safari Version 14.1.1 (16611., the column headers were displaying properly!

    (…but Xano says they don't support Safari)

  • jsmit
    jsmit Member

    I'm also hitting this same issue. Sometimes it goes away if I hide one of the columns of data (but only temporarily)

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hi, everyone. We've pushed out some more fixes in this release that should help with this issue. Please make sure to clear your browser cache and that you are using Google Chrome, and reach out to support if you are still continuing to see this. Thank you!