Got stuck in an Infinite Loop. Any way to hard stop a workflow from executing?


Hi. I was testing a workflow while creating it and got stuck in an infinite while loop.

It was a panic situation as every time it looped an External API Request was being called and I desperately needed a manual way to interrupt the workflow to stop it.

In this instance, I changed the API Key of the external endpoint in the environment variable which I think resulted in exiting from the Loop.

However, I would like to know if there is a way to hard stop the workflow from executing in such a scenario. Might help if something goes wrong again.

Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hi @rupesh there isn't currently a way to force stop a loop once it has begun execution. However, we do have infinite loop detection and we will throw an error if we detect one to prevent it from running
