Database Suggestions



I have a project that currently just has a Webflow frontend, all of our data is in Airtable, and we are using Zapier automations to allow users to update this data from the frontend. However, we are working on creating a real backend using Xano and Wized, and I am trying to figure out the best solution for what to do with our data. I initially thought I would just keep it in Airtable and and use Xano's Airtable import function every time we add more data, but we are giving the user the ability to update data using API calls, which I am assuming will make this difficult, as the data will be updated in Xano database, but not Airtable, and then would presumably be erased whenever we re-imported the data?

Do most people strictly use the Xano database? Ideally, I would like all the data to just be in one place. My only concern is that we often need to add a bunch of data or bulk edit data, and it seems like the Xano database makes this more difficult to do than in something like Airtable. I've also tried importing a csv into Xano before and it lost all of the data in the reference field columns.

Just looking for general advice on how to handle this, I guess. We're going to have roughly ~10 tables and a lot of them reference each other.

Thank you!


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    I was not working with Airtable extensively and it was a while ago, but if the solution is not really simple then I would definetly choose Xano as my backend and try to my whole database there unless there is a really valid reason to have something elsewhere