Monthly house rental marketplace application


I am developing a monthly house rental marketplace application. I want user to reserve listing by month instead of days. What should my input, function and database should look like ?


  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @MalayR ! 👋

    When building a backend for an application, there is no "one-size fits all" answer. It's important to consider the functionality you would like to build into your application and the structure of your data, as it can vary from use case to use case.

    I recommend getting started with our From Idea to App video series that walks through the very basics of how you translate your app idea into a backend. This will give you an idea of you might want to build out your database and how to use APIs.

    We also host weekly Orientation Sessions and Office Hours! Feel free to stop by if you would like to see a live demo or if you have any questions. 😊