"object" text issue


Hi all. I have a weird issue and I'm hoping someone has a workaround. I need the text "object" on an API call. However every time I write "object" Xano auto converts it to {} an actual object. I dont need an actual {} object. I just need the word "object" in plain text. I also tried to concat an empty field, but I got the same result.

So basically I need to be able to write the letters object into a value without Xano auto converting it to an empty {}

Any ideas please?

Thank you!

Best Answers

  • Edward
    Edward Member
    Answer ✓

    Nevermind, I just concat objec + t 🤣🤣 but it would be great if I could write object

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator


    Answer ✓

    @Edward , that's a very ingenious workaround! 😆 Thank you for bringing this up. We'll look into this and get back to you with any updates.

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hey @Edward !

    Wanted to let you know that this has been fixed as part of our newest release! 🎉

    You can now add the text "object" without having it convert to {} an actual object.