server capacity


Hello, I'm new to using xano so far I've only used the free plan, however I have a big project that will possibly be a union of flutterflow with xano, but I don't know the capabilities of the server, I'd like to better understand if there's a limit on requests, like Does the server limitation issue work, is it because of the use of the machine?
if it reaches the maximum capacity it stops?
if there is a limit to then move to another plane, what would it be?

This application will consume an average of 1 million requests per month, at peak times it will have 400 requests per minute, in the first paid plan can the application handle it?



  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @Charles ! 👋

    Welcome to the Xano Community!

    You can find information on our plans, including performance rate limiting, on this page. If you max out your instance resources, it can lead to errors or unresponsive APIs. We do not actively "stop" your instance from functioning.

    Choosing the right plan depends on factors such as your specific logic and dataset. Without a clear understanding of what you are doing and seeing it in action, we can not give a definitive recommendation on which plan can handle 1 million requests per month and a peak of 400 requests per minute. However, I suggest exploring both the Launch and Scale1x plans to see if either of those plans meets your needs.