edit record remove other object properties that are hide


when i try to edit a record i hide some object properties but the value of this properties is removed and not ignored why?

i need to keep the value and update the other object properties


  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @nicola! 👋

    Welcome to the Xano Community!

    This is an issue that our team is actively working on. We'll keep you in the loop as soon as we get it all sorted out. I put together this video that walks through a workaround to get past the issue in the meantime.

    Please let me know if this is helpful, and if you have any other questions or need updates along the way, don't hesitate to reach out. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this.

  • nicola
    nicola Member

    hi @lizanaya, thanks a lot for the reply and the video! i appreciate the time to do that!
    yes i was thinking to do that and i think is the best solution in the meantime 👍️

    let me know when you will fix it thanks!

    also i had some problems a few weeks ago with the webflow api trying to create a new item, it always return _draft and _archivied false is not a boolean but it was, i tryied with 0 "false" as a string but nothing i don't know if you already know something thanks!