Filter Query by organisation and subscription


Hi, I am new to Xano and my frontend is

I have a Subscription, Organisation (references Subscription), User (references Subscription and Organisation) and Customer (references Subscription and Organisation) tables. I need to query the Customer table were -

1. The current user's organisation is the customer's organisation

2. The current user's subscription is the customer's subscription

I was using the Bubble database and could accomplish this easily but since I am new to Xano, I am unable to query the data as above; I am trying to build a SaaS app were a user will create a subscription that is linked to an organisation and then all others, e.g. Customers, Suppliers, Leads, Transactions, Chart of accounts etc belong to a subscription and also to an organisation; to separate different organisations data.

Or is there a better way of doing this in Xano? Please assist.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    How do you differentiate between a User and a Customer?

  • Lebohang326
    Lebohang326 Member

    A user is my client who pays the subscription on the SaaS app and he belongs to an organisation, which represents his/her business. From his organisation he captures "customers" belonging to his business. In this instance customers belong to the user's organisation and not mine (the SaaS). Finally, customers are not "users", i.e. they never log into the SaaS app at any point, they belong to the user's subscription and business (org).