Dynamic Image Transformation Quality


Hey, when I transform an image, the new image quality is bad. I made a quick 1-min video showing this:


What do you think I can do to help this?


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hey, Duncy. I don't really think there is anything to change here — tpl=large will actually still produce a pretty small image. As an example, I uploaded an image of around 2400x1440 and tpl=large gives me an 800x417, so if we zoom in on that, it is understandably a lot less legible especially for small text content. If you want more control over the settings used to scale the images, the current recommendation would be to leverage a third-party API such as TinyPNG.

  • Duncy Dunc
    Duncy Dunc Member

    Thanks Chris, my thinking was that it would shrink the photo, which usually allows keeping the clarity. If it were expanding the photo, I would think the pixel ratio wouldn't be able to keep up with the larger size and making it blurry. Shrinking seems like we would have more than enough pixels to keep clarity. Just my initial thoughts. Thanks for the response.

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Yeah, I think it's more about the algorithm used to shrink the image; this is a bit out of my wheelhouse but there is typically an option of how to handle the scaling which we don't currently make available. I've passed this along to engineering to see if they can do some exploration.

  • Duncy Dunc
    Duncy Dunc Member

    Awesome. Thanks Chris!