Transfer Array from Choice Chips in Flutterflow



I'm struggling to transfer an Array from my frontend to Xano. In Flutterflow, I have a choice chips that give me an array of options like [Red, yellow, green].

I have create in Xano a database using text fields as List to accomodate the string of options.

When I run the POST API nothing is added to Xano. I may doing something wrong with arrays that haven't discovered yet.

Any inputs will help. Thanks.



  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    I would check the request history on your endpoint to see what is coming in the door.

    And then its possible that the data coming out of Flutterflow doesn't quite match what needs to go into the Xano database. Might be that if the function stack does a little transformation on that info before running your edit record or add record call you can simplify things.

    This kind of transformation activity is very much in the "hardest 5%" category we work on in State Change Pro's daily office hours and loom-enabled forums. I encourage making it easy to get data out of your frontend (e.g. Flutterflow ) and then do the manipulation at the backend (the Xano function stack) before saving to backend storage (the database)