Transforming String in List of records


HI all,

I have tried different transformation filters like SPLIT but haven't manage to get the result that I need.

My Post API call bring a List string from Flutterflow and save as 1 record. The field in Xano is a List of Text.

The string brings two texts but is register in one record. How to transform the list to have multiple records in the array?




  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    Sometimes its easier to show than tell. This just shows what you want to be true - the shape of the data in the xano table. What does the input from FF look like? I mean, exactly: can you share an example?

    At State Change Pro I encourage members with hard questions to make a loom of their error and endpoint (we have a checklist for asking good questions) so that others can provide more immediate help - and if not, the issue comes to office hours pre-wired. You might try posting a loom here (or joining State Change!)