Creating a complex Sign Up API endpoint



I am new to xano (coming from bubble where i had the app working).

I am trying to adapt the provided sign up API endpoint to enable me to add information to multiple tables at the same time but ultimately referencing the user and organisation.

The sign up is to sign up a new organisation which includes multiple departments, units, disciplines and managers. I need to input all of this information to create lists that are then associated with this org and can be used to allocate the relevant ones to users down the track.

Where I am coming unstuck is getting the information to be referenced via the id refs ie: I can get the organisation name in the user table and orgnaisation table but can not get the org_id to show in the user table to show the relationship between the two.

Any help that can be offered would be greatly appreciated. And yes…there is a high chance that my tables and data structure is not correct :)

Thank you in advance.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @HAS1 when you Add the record to the organisation table, the return variable from that function will include the entire object. You'll be able to use dot notation on that variable to extract the id to Add it to your user table.