1,000 entry limit in stack trace


Is the 1,000 entry limit in the stack trace new? I don't seem to remember hitting it nearly as often as I'm seeing now. Is there any way around this via plans (current instance is launch), or do I need to go back and further break up my functions for debugging?


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hi, Brian. This has always been the case and is not dependent on your plan.

  • Brian Giometti

    Hmm OK, must just have gotten lucky with what I was debugging, heh.

    I've had the feeling that my logic was getting a little too complex as it was anyways, so I guess this is just an opportunity to break it up further.

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Perhaps! It also does potentially make it easier in a way; as an example, if you are looping over a data set and that's what is hitting the 1,000 function limit in the stack trace, the most likely scenario is that your logic is fine and there's an issue with the data.

  • Brian Giometti

    In this case, it was a "top level" function calling several other functions each with a lot of looping / calculation. Problem was I was trying to troubleshoot a variable assignment error in the top level and all the noise caused by the other functions was washing out the step I needed. All good though I figured it out!