Can't edit Region Germany


Hey there, Xano Gang. 👋 I just came across a very strange bug.

So, I'm building a rather complicated multilingual Webflow project that will be enriched with pre-processed CMS data.

One of the CMS will be the country collection:

(For reference)

So I have developed this update mechanism. This successfully distinguishes whether a Xano DB entry should be created, updated or deleted within Webflow.

This works perfectly. For all languages except German?! 🥨🍻

(Step 1: Distinguish whether something should be created, updated or deleted - this works)

(Step 2: Loop over every single element that needs to be created and make an API call to Webflow - this works)

(Step 3: Now edit the Xano DB country entry and change it with the Api results just obtained (_id & slug) - this works for all languages except German ( /Germany ))

I wonder what it could be. Thanks in advance for looking into it. Greetings. <3


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    When you trigger that error and go to the debugger - what is the last function it shows? That's where our error is occurring. So next you can dive into that function and any inputs or variables it depends on to see why the error is occurring.

  • Leon Barth
    Leon Barth Member

    Hello Michael. Thanks for the quick reply.
    So the error occurred in the edit record function. I have queried by region. And it worked for all regions except for the keyword Germany. Why it works for all other keywords is still not clear to me.

    However. I switched to searching by ID instead of region, and now it seems to work perfectly.

  • Leon Barth
    Leon Barth Member
    edited June 2023

    Btw. Are you guys by any chance working on a function to see in which "line" an error occurred? @Michael Udinski

  • Leon Barth
    Leon Barth Member

    Actually I have now turned this into a snippet →

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    @Leon Barth - the debugger will already show where the error occurred. If it's in a loop, it will show each iteration up the error.

    My guess is the Germany value in the field in your database has extra white space

  • Leon Barth
    Leon Barth Member

    @Michael - Yeah. The whitespace idea probably makes sense. However found another way using the xano id - seems more scalable anyways.


    Haha. Man .... up to this point I thought the Input / Result panel was in fact the debugger ... 🤣😅

    Yeah. Okay. The debugger is right next to it. I got it ! 😂