API triggering correctly after sign in but not sign up

tbjackson Member

Hi All,

I'm refining my sign up flow a bit. Both my sign up and sign in endpoints are working individually. However when landing on the homepage after sign up, the user is created in the backend, but none of the the data is being pulled in & the user can't perform any logged in user actions. If the user presses log out and log back in then everything works as normal.

My original workaround was to just redirect the user from sign up to the sign in screen, but I want to make the sign up flow feel smoother.

On both sign up and sign in I am making changes to current user with the auth token from the sign up/sign in endpoint.

Anyone have any ideas?


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    Bubble is a bit tricky with those things, especially because the actions in workflows are asynchronous. So it might be the case that you are being redirected before the user pull the data in this particular workflow.

    Try to save the auth token in local storage and then save it in current user on page load on your homepage.