How to determine the 'best fit' Xano scale for prospect



I would like to know which questions I should typically ask prospects, before deciding on the 'scale' that I should quote in my offer. As we are pretty new to Xano, I do not have any experience yet when to quote 'scale 1x or 2x or 4x'. Any advice ?

Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hi @Kurt - great question. We are in the midst of creating a comprehensive guide for users to better answer the question "which plan do I need?"

    One of the big differentiators between Scale 1x vs the above Scale plans is auto-scaling. Auto-scaling allows for extra service capacity above what is allocated when there is an influx of traffic. Auto-scaling can provide up to 4 times the server capacity for these bursts of traffic. So Scale 2x can achieve the same capacity as Scale 8x. While it's not sustained, it provides a safety net to protect against unexpected spikes in traffic.

    We understand it's difficult to pinpoint the exact right plan. If you are on a Scale plan and not sure about going up to a high plan or feel you are hitting limits, if you reach out to support we are able to work with you in the Scale tier if you are unsure and want to test out a higher Scale plan for up to 48 hours