Possible bug with custom query AND condition

aemondis Member
edited June 2023 in ? Report a Bug

Hi, I posted a question in the "working with APIs" section, which nobody seems to have responded to for several days, about a potential bug with the "AND" condition being treated as an "OR". I have so far found this behaviour appears consistently in all tables with boolean conditions, at the very least.

The only workaround I have so far is creating several for each loops, with conditional logic… which is obviously very inefficient and cumbersome. If this is a bug, I think it may also relate to several other issues that have been completely confusing me with migrating to Xano - notably filtering data, which is not behaving as I would have expected (I have been a DBA for 10+ years, so I don't think it's my query logic being incorrect - but with that said, I have not worked with an "abstracted" query logic like Xano before now). If it's not a bug, please help me understand where I'm going wrong - as I feel the syntax is correct, but the behaviour is not.


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    edited June 2023


    Responded in original thread

  • aemondis
    aemondis Member

    Thanks Sean, as you indicated in the original thread that this is a bug - do you know if this is on the roadmap to resolve?

  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator



    It wasn't but we can add support to choose what empty means. Some users rely on the existing functionality to ignore false, so we just need to keep that consistent but let you adjust the definition if needed.

    Will try to squeeze that into the next release.