Annoying & Disruptive Changes to Xano Debugger


Hi Xano team & community,

I noticed a recent update to Xano's debugger has removed critical functionality and is counter-intuitive. I have been developing with Xano for over a year now and this is a crucial step for optimising calls.

The debugger used to give a break down of time on each step but now it just groups everything into one conditional making it impossible to review anything inside a conditional. Unfortunately I don't have a screenshot of what it used to look like but this is what it is now:

Thanks Team,


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    edited June 2023

    Hi @Michael Cafra. This should still be behaving exactly as you describe and was not something we changed. In the first example below, my conditional checks var_1 for a value of 1. If it IS 1, my "then" path has no steps executed, so nothing shows under the conditional in the debugger.

    In this next screenshot, I've enabled the Update Variable step in my Then path, and you can see the debugger reflects this.

    So, the most likely reasoning for the behavior you're seeing is that the path your conditional is entering has no steps to execute, but if this is not the case, please reach out to us via support chat so we can investigate this specific function stack you're running in greater detail.

    edit — I can also see that you are being returned the message about only logging the first 1,000 steps; there might be an issue with showing the first 1,000 if you surpass this and it happens inside a conditional or a loop. If this is the case, please confirm so I can have engineering investigate, but it is not an intentional change we made, so we'd definitely want to fix it.

  • Michael Cafra

    Hey Chris,

    Thanks for your reply. I replicated your test case and can confirm I can see inside the conditional in basic cases.

    "the most likely reasoning for the behavior you're seeing is that the path your conditional is entering has no steps to execute," - Why would an empty conditional then take 6 seconds to execute?

    The issue occurs on larger calls where debugging becomes necessary. Regardless of how complicated a call was I used to always be able to see at least the first 1000 steps of the debugger. In this case it used to show 2.1 then 2.2 ect. with a breakdown of time spent on each step.

    Even if the 1000 step warning popped up I would still be able to see the initial set of steps.

  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator



    It looks like there is an issue where not all the timings are showing properly when reaching 1000+ entries. We can definitely fix that. For the time being, if you need to optimize, try having that loop be smaller.

  • Michael Cafra

    Hey Sean,

    Yeah would be good if you could take a look at it. I have a couple queries that are quite large and require the expanded breakdown.
