Auth ID is not visible in request details


Hi there.

I'm stuck with this, any request is successfully made with user authentication but the auth id is not showing in the request details.

I've tested authtokens in the api "auth/me" and the user data is appearing normally, including the Auth ID linked to the user.

The APIs in use are all enabled with authentication and linked to the user table.

Do you have any idea where I'm going wrong?

Thanks for your help !


Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hi @Daniel Soares — if the endpoints have authentication enabled and you are passing in the auth token to make a successful call then you should be seeing the auth ID in the request history. I just checked this on my end to confirm (haven't been able to recreate your issue). Can you reach out to support chat in the product or - they can work with you to see if there's an issue with your specific instance.