A couple of issues with the XANO to Bubble connector

ihayes Member
edited June 2023 in Bubble
  1. XanoAuth User is Logged out…this doesnt seem to work. It doesn't recognize when the Auth Token is blank or expired.
  2. XanoQuery error…I get this error on all my XanoQueries when i first login. account_id is stored in the Current User and I populate it after the login process is successful. I have tried the new Load Data setting and it doesnt fix it .

Error message…The plugin Xano Connector / element Xano Query threw the following error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}', "{
}" is not valid JSON (please report this to the plugin author)


  • Eric DELOBEL-6030557

    I have as well a lot of issues using the plugin :

    I can see the Raw Json from the connector, but as soon as i try to get it linked with a datatype in bubble it brakes. I spent 5 hours trying to debug it .. I'll get back to the bubble API plugin, too hard to make it stable.

  • ihayes
    ihayes Member

    I was able to connect with Eli when the slack channel was up. Doesn't appear anyone is supporting the connector on this forum. Can someone from Xano pls comment.

  • Eli Beachy

    @ihayes The error your are getting on the unexpected token is because the 'account_id' value is empty so it is invalid JSON. That needs to be worked out in the Bubble editor. You should be able to put a condition on the Load Data so it only runs when the value on the current user is not empty.

    @Eric DELOBEL-6030557 The reason you are getting that error is because the XanoQuery is looking for an array. If you are returning a single object in the response you need to use the XanoGet or XanoAction element.

  • bluesideup

    @Eli Beachy - I'm having a similar issue and the condition isn't helping… I have Load Data set to "no", and then a condition that sets it to "yes" only when the required parameter is not empty, and I still get an error instantly on page load because the request JSON is invalid