How to reuse a custom Object type?


I've created a custom object as type of clockInMetatada, is there a way to reuse the same object as clockOutMetadata?

I feel like I need to redo the whole configuration again from scratch.

I need custom reusable data types.

I think this is similar to

Best Answer


  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @Ambroise!

    Unfortunately, this is not available at the moment. However, it's on our radar for future updates! I'll be sure to give it an extra push in our feature request pipeline. 😊

  • Ambroise
    Ambroise Member

    @Louis Machado - CSA Thanks, that will be useful, and a big time saver.

    A small feedback, though. While this approach is very versatile and agile, it will become increasingly difficult to know if all fields that are supposed to use the same shape are indeed implemented the same way.

    I was hoping for a way to define Reusable Objects, as a sort of template I could pick from.
    Additionally, one of the key benefits would be to:

    • Know what fields (in what table) are "related" to a given Reusable Object (AKA "template")
    • Know at a glance whether each "instance/copy" are identical with the template
    • Have a diff feature to identify how an instance/copy differs from the template
    • Have a way to apply some template's properties to selected instances/copies quickly (column description, new column, column pattern, etc.)

    No doubt those are more advances use-cases, but would definitely make it easier to "keep in sync" all copies when the template evolves. This would make our life easier on bigger projects, and help us discover and fix our own mistakes.

  • Louis Machado - CSA
    Louis Machado - CSA Administrator



    It wouldn't be something simple to build, but I'll pass your feedback along to our development team. Thank you for taking the time to write your suggestion and help us build an even better product!