Having issues with a simple Query all records function


I'm duplicating an already existing endpoint that gets a list of surveys that are sent to a coach by their athletes.

This new get request gets the surveys, but now I need it to only return surveys that are sent from athletes in a certain group. Athletes have a table reference for group, and there is a team_groups_id input that I'm using to set == to var:athletes_1.team_groups_id.

When I run this it doesn't return surveys by group, it returns ALL surveys sent to the auth'd coach - which is what I already have working.

Here's what it looks like:

input: integer: team_groups_id (frontend inputs group ID and then returns the surveys of that group)

Function stack is set up so that:

Get coaches as coaches_1 (for auth)
Get athletes as athletes_1 (field name: text, team_groups_ID | field value: input int, team_groups_ID)
Query all records from surveys as model with → custom query:
db:surveys.coaches_id == var:coaches_1.id (so coaches only see surveys that are sent to them)


var:athletes_1.team_groups_id == input:team_groups_id (not working, but hoping to get this to only pull athletes of the inputted group ID.

any ideas where I'm going wrong?

Best Answers

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    So in your second condition, you have a variable that is not a part of the table you are filtering and input that is also not a part of the table you are filtering.

    Here is an example: you have a table with fields A, B, and C. What you have in your second condition is D = E

    So it's not affecting the query because the condition is not related to the table.

  • tbjackson
    tbjackson Member
    Answer ✓

    Got it working!


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    Based on your input I can see that in your second condition, you are comparing the variable with input (var:athletes_1.team_groups_id == input:team_groups_id), so there is no db field involved by which query can filter the records.

    If you can provide screenshot then maybe I will be able to help more.

  • tbjackson
    tbjackson Member

    Here is what the custom query looks like. If the input needs to be a db field what would I compare it to so that it's returning only the ID's that match the input integer?