Response times slow with Response Caching enabled


Hi everyone,

I have an endpoint with a processing response time that was quite high, taking around 1-2 seconds on average. The variety of calls that it receives, however, is small, with only a dozen or so variations.

So I turned on 'Response Caching'. I expected processing response times to reduce but, here's what they look like over the last 2 days:

  • count: 492
  • average: 1.519s
  • min: 0.045s
  • max: 11.209s

I don't understand why the caching isn't reducing the average processing response time.

There's no authentication and only one input parameter that can take on around a dozen different values (see screenshot).

I expected the response caching to reduce the average response times significantly. Maybe to around 100ms or less.

Does anyone know if this is normal or perhaps I have set it up wrong? Is there a way that I can verify that cached results are being returned? When I look at the response history it says that response caching is enabled so it looks ok. But why would a cached result take 1.7s processing time?

Thank you for any help and insights that you might be able to provide.




  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hi, @Kris Jack. Response caching can be super helpful but is not quite a catch all. Your example of a cached response being returned but the duration of the response still that high could indicate that you are approaching running memory limits. This can happen if you have a large number of API endpoints on the Launch plan (usually several hundred), or if the responses being returned are large in size. I might recommend in this case that you reach out to us via support chat (click the ? in the lower-left corner) so we can investigate your instance directly and get you going.