Dynamic inputs for GET request in Bubble

tbjackson Member
edited June 2023 in Bubble

Hi all, I have a GET request that requires an input and I have it working in Xano, but I'm struggling to figure out the best way to handle it in Bubble.

On the page there is a list of Group names(these are populated by a different GET request), & when a user clicks the group name I'd like an accordion to expand and it show the repeating group of the get request endpoint. The group names from the first get request are the input ID that needs to be entered to successfully retrieve the second get request. How do I pass these group names as an input?


Group 1 (id 1)
Group 2 (id 2)
Group 3 (id 3)

click group 1, which enters the id (1) as the input to this new request to retrieve a list of athletes in that group.
