problem with precondition when using password


@Michael Udinski Hi, I have a problem in my /update_password api when using 'password' and 'confirm_password'. If the inputs are 'text' type everything runs, if select a 'password' type then the Precondition returns an error message "Password don't match!". In am sure the input:password==input:confirm_password and my two inputs variables are the same .
I would work with the password type to have correct filtering, because the filter lists are not the same for 'text' than for 'password' types (no minUpperAlpha into text type…).

any idea ?


Best Answer


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    password type inputs are encrypted if I'm not mistaken, so that is probably the cause of the precondition failing. You can see that when you will put stop&debug and check the password input.

  • thierry
    thierry Member

    Yes, thank you. we saw that this morning. the question is there are no the same filtering option for the text type, so we must develop a new function…

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @thierry, @Pawel Magdanski is correct. Passwords are salted and hashed so your precondition will not pass even if the passwords are "the same", after saled and hashed, they will not match. Best to use text in this scenario.