JSON object update


Hi there!

I have a pretty complex structure in the db for one of my cell. It's a json object with this configuration:
sites: [
{"_id": "1",
"name": "My site 1"
{"_id": "2",
"name": "My site 2"

I have a request with "site_id" and "form_name" inputs. What i am trying to do is to find the site based on input "site_id", that matches the "_id" value and create a new key:value pair so the object looks like this:
sites: [
{"_id": "1",
"name": "My site 1", "forms":[{"name":"my_form"}]
{"_id": "2",
"name": "My site 2"

So far my logic is:

1. find first element in array based on "site_id" in input, it should match the "_id" value.

2. create a variable "current_site_forms" that would return the forms array if it exists or null if there is no such key

3. create a variable "updated_site_forms" and either set the new key:value pair with forms to it or update the existing "forms" array with new object {"name":"form_name"}

4. now i need to update the sites array with the updated element that has "forms" array without destroying the original sites array. I am stuck on this step, can anyone put me in the right direction?

Thank you!


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    If you want to update an object you can do this by "update variable". You need to declare a new field using dot notation: for example sites.form and assign the element as a value.

    If I don't understood correctly what you want to do, please provide some screenshots of your function stack.

  • mustafaejaz
    mustafaejaz Member

    You can update the particular record by using the update_variable'sites.forms' for the above structure.