Blank records added from POST


Trying to add records from a POST but i keep getting blank records added rather than the data. if i put the data in manually with debug it works.

json post is

{    "name": "John Doe",    

"age": 30,   

 "city": "New York",   

 "occupation": "Software Engineer"}

any help is appreciated, it's driving me mad


Best Answer

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hi @Herdy -

    The first thing I'd check is to make sure your current endpoint is not in draft mode. If it is, then please publish and try again.

    Secondly, the payload might not be as described. Please run a test and check your API request history for the input. You can copy and paste it into the debugger and run a test through run and debug. Also feel free to share it here if you need help.


  • Herdy
    Herdy Member

    Thanks Michael,

    You were right, the end point was in draft mode. id's tried everything except pressing publish 🙃