Confguring SendGrid Unsubscribe Module


Hi all

I'm trying to configure the Sendgrid Unsubscribe module in my Sendgrid Dynamic Templates. This documentation says that I need to pass in the group_id tag withing an asm tag, like so:

I configured this in Xano thus:

But it wasn't passed to Sendgrid as expected:

Anyone know how to configure this please?


Best Answer

  • dorian
    dorian Member ✭
    Answer βœ“

    I figured it out πŸ™‚

    If anyone wants to know, let me know and I'll record a loom.


  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hey @dorian!

    Thank you for the update. If possible, we'd love to see a Loom with the solution! It would be a great learning resource for us all. πŸ€“