I have a problem with the firebase rules [flutterflow]

dimitri Member

hello there im having a problem as the title says. Im developing an app which different users can upload information and it meant to be visible for all registred users. But when i try to see random info uploaded from one user as other, i cant see that info. Can anyone help me please? We can talk via discord if its necessary


  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @dimitri! 👋

    Welcome to the Xano Community! 🎉

    The first step would be to ensure your Xano endpoints are working correctly. Have you tested them to ensure the information is saved and retrieved successfully? Let us know if you have any questions about this.

    If you have already done that, the issue is likely coming from the front end. I am not a Flutterflow expert 😅, but if you feel comfortable sharing more details about what you're experiencing on the front end, it could be useful for community members with more Flutterflow expertise to understand and potentially offer insights into what is happening.

    Additionally, if you look at our YouTube channel, you'll find some Flutterflow + Xano content that might be helpful. Including a video on FlutterFlow + Xano - Building a To-do List App.