🇧🇷 Dicas, tutorias e conteúdo sobre Xano

mauromequelussi Member
edited July 2023 in ?‍? Find an Expert

Many people have found and sought me out because of my YouTube content about Xano.

👉 Link Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/%40NoCode-BR

I've been working with Xano since the beginning and every time I see the evolution and improvements that have happened over time.

Now I'm resuming the content of my Youtube channel with more intensity.

I have already released a free Xano course on the Channel.

I invite you to watch and follow the channel and also leave your comments on tips for new content you want.


  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    @Mauro Mequelussi-40201, thank you for your insightful content! 🙏 It's extremely valuable to our community!

  • mauromequelussi

    Como retornar respostas mais rápidas no Xano Backend (Post Process)

  • mauromequelussi

    Welcome to the guide on native integration between WeWeb and Xano! If you're looking for a simple and effective way to connect your web applications with databases and authentication, you've come to the right place.

    In this video, I'm going to explore the power of native integration between WeWeb and Xano, two leading tools in their respective fields. I'll show you how, in a matter of minutes, you can:

    1. Configure and establish a connection between your WeWeb application and the Xano database.
    2. Implement robust authentication solutions without the need for extensive coding or complications.
    3. Make the most of the features offered by both platforms, creating dynamic and secure experiences for your users.
    4. In addition, we will provide practical tips, tricks and solutions for possible challenges that may arise during the integration.