1.53.3 (Jul 6, 2023)

Chris Coleman
Chris Coleman Administrator


edited September 2023 in ? Releases

🏗️ Re-Order, Disable, & Clone Filters!

We've added the ability for you to re-order, disable, and even clone your filters just like you can with steps in your function stack! This also includes the ability to re-order arguments on the sprintf filter.

⌨️ Regex Validation at the Database Level

With a new filter that can be applied to database fields and inputs, you can use Regex to validate data on entry!

🔌 Metadata API Improvements

Branches can now be referred to by their label instead of a branch ID. You can now also easily see the live branch without pulling all branches.

✂️ Undo / Redo Improvements

We're making ongoing improvements to the new Undo and Redo functions in the database view, including support for bulk cut / copy / paste / redo.

🦟 Misc. Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Added support for an alternate separator character for your API endpoint URLs. This is helpful for services with outdated URL validation that have trouble with the : character. For example, if your current API URL contains api:abc123z, you can now also use api-abc123z instead
  • If the content-type is defined as application/json on GET requests, the request params will be routed to the body. This is helpful for third party external APIs that do not conform to standards of GET requests that would typically only use URL parameters
  • Fixed an issue where after a period of inactivity, the editor would not reflect changes without a refresh
  • Fixed an issue where setting a minimum value on list fields resulted in an error when adding new records
  • Fixed a rare issue where branch merge would get stuck on a progress bar
  • Fixed an issue where timings of functions would not show properly when the total number of steps exceeded 1,000
  • Branches and data sources now use different colors to highlight them more clearly
  • Fixed an issue with JSON, enum and table reference fields where values would sometimes not save


  • dorian
    dorian Member

    ”Fixed an issue where after a period of inactivity, the editor would not reflect changes without a refresh”

    Thank you! This has been driving me insane. 🤪

  • Alimama
    Alimama Member

    The new filter functionalities are very helpful! Several times, I have had to delete a long filter just because I wanted to move parts of the filter to different positions. This saves a lot of efforts. Great work!

  • Wes Wagner
    Wes Wagner Member

    Amazing updates! I'm loving the Regex filters at the database level, of course.