10 second limit on "Post Process" function ?



We've recently implemented an api with the "Post Process" function in the function stack.

Our intention was to put a long running operation (loop of web callouts) in the "Post Process" and then store the result of all the callouts in the Xano Database.

The issue we've run into, is that in both prod and dev, the Post Process quits exactly after 10 seconds (almost always around 10,5 - 10,7) seconds. We've done our best to isolate the issue to the point where we're fairly confident that it isn't something breaking somewhere else.

I can't find anything in the docs - can anyone pitch in here?



Best Answer

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hi, @Joe. There is no limit that I'm aware of on how long Post Process can execute. See the quick test below.

    Are you testing via Run & Debug, and if so, do you receive any errors or anything?


  • Lachlan
    Lachlan Administrator



    Hi, Joe thanks for reaching out, there isn't a timeout built into the post-process specifically.

    10 Seconds does sound familiar though, this is the default timeout allocated to an External API request. Can you try adjusting the timeout associated with your API calls and see if this resolves the issue?

  • Joe
    Joe Member

    Thanks for the speedy answers, @Lachlan & @Chris Coleman - much appreciated.

    I must apologise as this was entirely our fault, and nothing to do with Xano.

    This is the first backend we're doing no/low code (usually do them in NodeJs) and when both of out test-datasets consistently failed at a pretty 10 seconds, I assumed it had something to do with the platform. It just so happend, that it was a lambda/var assignment error.

    Both of you. Thanks for the quick assistance.
