Editor misbehavioring


Sometimes (i haven't been able to determine the conditions) when i add, modify or delete a function in the function stack, nothing happens. The editor is not refreshed. And when i force the refresh (Cmd+Shit+R on macOS/Chrome) the added function appears (sometimes 3 as i inserted 3 times a function) or disappear (if deleted).

And then when editing an Update Variable and applying a filter to the value, the editor wants to show the filter editor but freezes just by darkening the page without showing the filter editor…

And i need to reload, each time, to get the editor working… until next unrefreshing thing…

Any clue ?




  • Guillaume Maison
    Guillaume Maison Member ✭✭

    when cloning a SET filter, the Update Variable function editor does fancy things, like forgetting the set parameters, …

  • Lachlan
    Lachlan Administrator



    Hey Guillaume! aka bestnoodledev

    We're taking a look into this, we'll be in touch!

  • System8
    System8 Member

    @Guillaume Maison I am having the same issue. I have found if I refresh the browser it updates. While not ideal it allows me to continue working till they resolve the "feature"

  • Guillaume Maison
    Guillaume Maison Member ✭✭

    @Lachlan 🤣
    Thanks for your feedback !
    Waiting for the fix :)

  • Guillaume Maison
    Guillaume Maison Member ✭✭

    Had a strange problem on a client workspace which seems related to this problem :
    In an API ENdpoint function stack, i'm calling a custom function.
    i did a Run& Debug on that API Endpoint. And from in the Debugger, i only have the function call, but nothing is run inside. the Run & Debug returns immediately. The debug stack shows only the function + inputs & vars but nothing below, as if there was just a call trace and immediately returns.

  • @Guillaume Maison - You here?! ;)

    @Lachlan - I have the same behaviour where I need to refresh my editor as well to see the effects of my clicks