Does anyone know how to get around the Airtable API 100 record limit per call

ollymorgan1 Member
edited August 2023 in Other

I have connected Airtable to Xano and imported data. However, i have roughly 10,000 records in Airtable that i want to import into Xano via API. The data changes daily hence why i want to automate this process but Airtable has an annoying 100-record limit per call. Does anyone know a way around this?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @ollymorgan1 there isn't a way "around" Airtable's API limit. There is a way to call all the records, 100 at a time. You will want to implement a recursive workflow that keeps calling the Airtable API, except it goes page by page.

    You can see an example of implementing this type of logic with an external API here:

    There will likely be some adaptation for your specific use-case but this should give you at least the foundation and general concepts :)