Add "Current/Now" Button to Date

Denis Unconfirmed, Member
edited July 2023 in ? Request a feature


please just add finally something to "add current time" so you don't have to manually click every single date/hour/minutes/seconds….

This is so time consuming - this problem is so simple to solve and yet there is no option for that)…

I'm getting "permisson problem" uploading image here (don't know why)



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @Denis — I think that "Now" button would be super useful. I'll pass it along to engineering

    However, what you can already do, which will require far fewer clicks is set the default value to "now". Here's how:

    1. Set nullable on your timestamp field to "no"
    2. This exposes a default value, set it to "now" like below:

    At creation of the field

    Or after the field has already been created:

    The function stack also has the value of "now" to automatically add now through your business logic and API.