Handling JSON array inputs


I have a list of id's being passed from my front end, and when I copy the inputs this is the format they are arriving in:
The result is empty, which is not right.

If I copy and past how it is received into the run and debug and remove the "" around the [], like this:
{"idList":[4,5,6],"lessonID":"6","idListRef":[1,2,3]} the response the debugger gives is what is expected.

To get the response I am performing a Query All Records from the table where:
auth.id = db.user_id
and where db.field_id in idListRef

I don't believe the issue is in the query because it works if I remove the "", but I can not figure out why this is or how to resolve this issue. I have tried passing the data several different ways but can not figure it out. Any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!


Best Answer

  • System8
    System8 Member
    Answer ✓

    Hi, @Chris Coleman. First off thank you for your quick response to my post. The more and more I use this resource I am amazed at the speed the Xano team responds to assist and resolve issues. The front end I am using is Webflow, but I am using custom javascript to handle API requests, so I don't think there would be a setting adjustment to make. While I am sure the solution you provided would have worked, I was stubborn to handle the issue on the frontend code. I wanted to share my solution if anyone else stumbles into the same issue.

    I was sending the request as a GET request and passing the parameters in the URL, this was forcing me to stringify the array prior to sending. I changed the request to a POST request, allowing me to send the parameters in the body of the request solving my issue.

    Again, thank you for your quick response!


  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator



    Hi, @System8. Looks like your front-end is sending the array as a text string. I would first see if there is an adjustment you can make on your front-end to send the array properly (without quotes).

    If this is for some reason not an option, you can fix this in Xano by creating a new variable with the contents of the array being sent as text, and apply a couple of filters to transform it into an array.

    This would start with two remove filters, to pull out the [ and ].

    The second filter would be split, with a , separator. This will turn the remainder of the text string into a true array that you can work with.

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @System8,

    Glad to hear you've had a good an experience with our support team. 🙌 Thank you for sharing the solution that worked to solve this issue!