Integrating Mobile App with Xano and Daxko Operations API

dylanersk Member
edited July 2023 in ? Help! I'm a Noob

Hello everyone,

I'm seeking some assistance with integrating my mobile app with Xano and the Daxko Operations API, which currently houses my member/user information. Here's what I need help with:

Connecting User Information: I want to link the user information collected in Xano when a user registers for the app with the data residing in Daxko Operations. Any guidance on how to achieve this integration would be greatly appreciated.

Multiple Databases in Xano: I'm unsure if I need to set up multiple databases in Xano to make this integration work. If anyone has experience or knowledge on this matter, please share your insights.

To provide some context, you can find the Daxko API documentation here: Daxko API Documentation. It's worth noting that Daxko Operations requires member authentication before granting access to their information. I'm a bit confused about how to set up this authentication process in conjunction with Xano. If anyone has any expertise or has worked with the Daxko Member Authentication process, I would greatly appreciate your input. Here's the tutorial link for the Daxko Member Authentication: Daxko Member Authentication Tutorial.

As an additional side note, I am building my mobile app in Draftbit.

Thank you for your help!


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    It seems that first you need to setup settings using this endpoint:

    They have an example of how the body of your request should look like:

    PUT /v3/partners/oauth2/members/settings

        "settings": {
            "valid_redirect_uris": [
            "links": {
                "sign_up": {
                    "url": ""
                "forgot_password": {
                    "url": ""
    Steps from 2 to 4 are pretty well described. Have you tried following the tutorial? If yes at what point did you encounter some issues?

  • dylanersk
    dylanersk Member

    Hi @Pawel Magdanski, thank you for your response! I am able to set up the Member Authentication as described in the tutorial above. But my confusion comes in on the Xano side. My understanding is that I need to have app users register within the app, creating a new database entry in the "Users" database in Xano. Is there a way to make the information in the "Users" database communication with Daxko Operations via External API commands in Xano? For example, where would the authentication token from Daxko be stored in Xano for future API calls?

  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭

    Ok. So if you want to have your database in Xano then the best solution is to have users table and the whole sign-in/sign-up created for xano itself. Then sign-in users can connect with Daxko from your app and after you will receive code in step 3 you can exchange that for access token required for API calls in Daxko that you can store in you Xano "user" table with the rest of the informations you need.

    As you can see access token is only valid for 10 minutes and then you need to use member_id and member_unit_id for future calls so those certainly need to be saved.