Does Xano support Basic Authentication?


Basic authentication simply means the application sends a username and password with every request, and those credentials are also often stored or saved on the device.

Does Xano support this?

From the documentation of the api that I'm working on, to get the access token, header should be created like this:

Authorization: Basic <client id>:<client_secret>

But i always get unauthorized error.

The url, client id and secret are all correct and working when I use it on with HTTP basic request.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @alison yes, you can absolutely call external APIs with a basic authentication method. It's likely that you are missing a small step or setting up the header incorrectly inside the API request. But I can't tell without seeing how things are set up in Xano and the details from the external service's documentation. Feel free to sign up for office hours with everything handy if you'd like some hands-on help.