Possible to run the draft version of an API endpoint

Eli Beachy
Eli Beachy Member
edited August 2023 in ? Working with APIs

Is it yet possible to run the draft version of an API endpoint from a 3rd party? I have a live form in WeWeb and would like to make some changes to the endpoint it's posting to but I can't publish it for testing as it will impact the live flow as well.

Is there any way to tell the endpoint to run the draft version of everything in the function stack from Webflow or do we need to create a new version of my workspace for testing and merge it back when done?


Best Answer

  • Chris Coleman
    Chris Coleman Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hey, Eli! This is not currently possible. The recommendation is to push it to a testing branch, and then maybe duplicate the page in Webflow so you can edit the call to target your testing branch without impacting any live flows.
