☁️ Google Cloud Storage Functions


Have you seen our brand-new Cloud Storage Functions? The initial launch includes a set of functions that allow you to interact with and manage your Google Cloud Storage buckets directly from the Function Stack.

Why is this so cool? You're able to easily leverage a powerful Cloud Storage solution for all your file needs. Have a file-intensive application and want full control over your file storage? Or need to generate signed URLs for files that expire after a specific amount of time? All this and more is unlocked with these new GCS functions!

Learn more by watching the video above or check out our documentation.


  • Mihaly_Toth

    Hey there, this feature is great and I love it so far.

    However, there's a quick question. Is there any way of passing in custom metadata with the files in the file upload function? Such as 'Control-cache' header or other metadata to the blob objects?

    If there was a way it would be a powerful option for an override of the GCP default max-age:3600 cache-control.

    Thanks for the answer in advance