Best practice to build JSON and send to another app?


I'm using WeWeb to collect a bunch of data that creates records across several tables. What is the best practice to create a JSON file that would then get sent to another app? I do want to store the JSON file for archiving. It's being sent to a PDF creator.

Is this normally done using the function stack? Just not sure how to trigger it? I used AirTable as my MVP and I use a formula field to build the JSON and then use Make to send to the PDF app using a webhook. I know I could use Make to retrieve the data from Xano, build then build the JSON, but pretty sure it be more efficient to do it in Xano.


  • tessus
    tessus Member

    If you get json that's great. it means that you can use it later on.

    If you get the json into xano and put it in a variable, you can then target values inside that json object (or the variable you put the json in) with some dot notation

    you can then upload the values from your object to a xano database table for future use

    here is a good website you can paste your json in to 1) see if it's a valid json object 2) get the dot notation path for whatever you want to extract.

    if you just want to save the json object, consider encoding the values so you can handle it as a string. there are "filters" in xano that you can use for that and many other things

  • EricP
    EricP Member

    I first need to construct the JSON using data from various fields across several tables? Is there a way to do that in Xano or is that best done in

  • tessus
    tessus Member

    well think of json like structure format that all nerds came together and decided they were going to use. so as soon as you see data in json format that means it's a luxury and you can use it.

    xano like most platforms support (actually prefer) json.

    you just need to learn how to manipulate json because it allows you to send and recieve and store that data however you want to.

    there's no real way around it, you need to learn how to manage data in json format.

    if you get a big json data dump and you store it in a variable in xano you need to learn how to go inside that json data and get what you want

    only way is to do it until you know how to

    all the best