Looking for an expert in connecting Xano to FlutterFlow and working with data in FF


Would love to pay for an hour’s work (or however long it takes) for someone who can live troubleshoot an issue on flutterflow with me and show/explain what i was doing wrong. I am trying to set up a reusable component and place it inside a list view and populated it with data using the listview backend query/generate children from variable. My API call works and returns data (at least in testing when i set it up) but no matter what i do, my list view isn’t displaying data.


  • Xano freelance
    Xano freelance Member
    edited August 2023

    Hi Jay

    I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to reach out to discuss the possibility of collaborating on a project with XANO. Our team is experienced in providing top-notch services and solutions, and we believe we can deliver exceptional results for your needs. If you're interested, let's schedule a call to explore the details further.

    contact us: aasif.freelancer@gmail.com
    Feel free to mail us on above email.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.