Exporting source code?


I'm wrapping up a development project on Xano for a client. They've invested heavily (they've paid me more than $50K at this point) so they're asking questions about backups.

I know how to do backups within the system, but in the terrible hypothetical event that the whole team should be on a celebratory cruise that's capsized by aggressive narwhals and there are no survivors…is there a way for me to backup source code to deploy it elsewhere?

Best Answers

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    Hi @Erin - oh, the joy What ifs… 😉

    We do not allow for the exporting of the source code at this time (and may never). However, in the event, we're all on a boat and (correction: Orcas have been attacking boats lol) something catastrophic happens. We have a plan to open source or grant perpetual licenses to the software. (This is in our FAQ for anyone else interested!)

    That being said, Xano automatically performs backups on all paid instances. In addition, we are actively working on a solution to give users more control over their backups without needing to reach out to support!

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Answer ✓

    @Erin 😂🤣
