How can I update an attachment field inside an object array?


I am currently using Weweb as my frontend. I have a data table called "Dispatch Ticket". It has an object field called "task" and within this task, there are multiple fields and one of it is the attachment field. FYI, I have added a "task_id" field as a unique index of this object.

What is the best API call that includes uploading a file resource whenever I add a task(object)?

At the moment, I decided to have a separate API call (working) to fill out all the task fields except for task_attachment. (Btw, I followed Mr. Michael's tutorial -

And then, I tried following the API call of Mr. Christian in uploading file resource (Ref: start at 23:15 mins.

Now, I am currently lost of what function stack I need to use to upload a file resource to a specific field inside my datatable-object.

I hope someone can help me 😭


  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @Denise Daley! πŸ‘‹

    Welcome to the Xano Community! πŸŽ‰

    I created this video that walks through how to update a file attachment living within an object field. Let me know if this is helpful or if you have further questions. 😊

  • Denise Daley
    Denise Daley Member ✭

    Hi @Liz Anaya !
    Thank you so much for sending the video, it is very helpful. However, I am still stuck πŸ€•.
    Now I would like to change my API call to use some features that you have shown me. I have recorded a video for me to fully explain what I wanted to do.

    I also mentioned in the video the feature you have in pulling a record that I don't, which makes all this a bit harder on my side.

    Below is a screenshot from your video and as you can see there is a dropdown option in your object and the next pic is mine.

    Waiting for your response πŸ™

    By the way, does Xano offers everyday (Monday-Friday) office hours that I can join and ask a consultant/support about these kind of questions?
    Does your office also offers a one-on-one assistance? If there is, I would like to know how much would that be. Thank you!

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hey @Denise Daley!

    Check out this Loom video, and let me know if this helps!

    We host office hours every Tuesday, and they are free! During this time, we go around the (virtual) room and give everyone an opportunity to present their problem. Every person gets individualized help. Here is the link to sign up:

    If you are interested in getting additional help, you can check out our Help & Support page here. I'm also looping in @Ray Deck from Statechange; they offer daily office hours. 😊

  • Denise Daley
    Denise Daley Member ✭

    Hi @Liz Anaya!

    THANK YOU SO SOOOO MUCH! You were able to solve and break the wall that I have been dealing with for a week now 🀩 It totally works! Thank you for the in-depth loom video you sent, btw I downloaded it for my documentation purposes πŸ˜….

    Also, thank you for offering the free orientation & office hours every Tuesday, will definitely join and sign up if I have any questions.

    I also have tried filling up the Developer Build Request Form but it is stuck when I clicked send for more than an hour.

    Anyway, I will try filling it out again tomorrow maybe it is my internet connection. My boss would really like to have a dedicated consultant/developer to help me out. If the form still stuck in loading, I'll reach out to Ray 😁

    Once again, thank you so much Liz for assisting me with my issue! You're a superstar! πŸ’ƒπŸ‘Έ

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Yay! I'm so happy the video helped!πŸ€— πŸ™Œ

    I just tested out the Developer Build Request Form on my end, and it seemed to work. If it keeps giving you issues, please let us know so we can look into it further. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day! β˜€οΈ