Multi Language APP


Hi all,

I'm building an APP that will require multi language since it goes to regions that don't speak english as main language.

I'm using Flutterflow as frontend and they have a translation field which makes easy to translate fixed text.

However, what strategies you use when have tables that needs to be multilanguage: more column or more lines with a language flag?

Any recommendation?


Gustavo Santos


  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @Gustavo Santos!

    Could you provide us with more information about what kind of data you would be storing? Any examples, screenshots, or even a Loom video would be great!

  • Gustavo Santos

    Hi Liz,

    I found two approaches. One is to have multiple columns in Xano, one for each language. The second one is duplicate records using different languages and applying a filter.

    With the integration with FF, I can choose language specific fields and that is the best approach.

    For example: In Xano I have a table with columns: Name_en, Name_es, Name_it and so on for the number of languages I want to implement.

    In Flutterflow there is a function called Internationalization that allows me to select different fields based on the user selected language.

    For my application, this is the best solution so far since there is no live translation of records possible (so far😆).

    And thanks for asking.

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @Gustavo Santos!

    Thank you for providing additional information! I would lean towards the approach of having multiple columns in a table, one for each language, so that you can avoid duplicating data.

    The Internationalization in Flutterflow sounds awesome! Keep us posted on how your application progresses, and let us know if you have additional questions. 😃