LOOM VIDEO: HELP! 3rd party API Loop Write to Database


Hi, I have a simple API request that uses a FOR LOOP to iterate through an array of inputs coming from another table named MATRIX

1) MATRIX table is what I am using as the basis for INPUTS into an API request at Apify.com a web scraping API.

2) COUNTS table where I want to write the results of the API query

I am having trouble looping through the items in the four loop and more importantly, I'm having trouble writing the data that comes back in the API return result to the database it's asking for a scalar data value.

VIDEO: https://www.loom.com/share/7bfacb5a3d5747d3b9d48c6219a8e545?sid=d2511717-1577-40e6-9f58-6cae7c94acb0

What am I doing WRONG?

Thanks in advance.




  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    I can see that the result from API is an array, so try to use first filter on it (if in your case there always be one element in an array, if not then you need to specify which one you want)