How does the metadata API request history search work?


I'm looking to filter requests for the previous hour via this endpoint.

Does anyone have examples of how to format the search query?


  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    You don't search. You can only get the latest data page by page. So to solve for this, you would pull a page, see what the oldest request is, and if it's less than an hour back, get the next page, and so forth until the page you pull is more than 60 minutes back.

  • mike-k
    mike-k Member

    Thanks Ray,

    I was actually referring to this endpoint: /workspace/{workspace_id}/request_history/search

    It seems to allow for searching/filtering, but there's no information on how to do that.

  • jd4syth
    jd4syth Member

    If you haven't found it already, take a look at this: 🙂