I'm looking to hire Xano expert who can help with Data manipulation using Arrays and Loops.


I'm working on building a database that would serve as a Corpus for my Arabic classes. It would be a relational database for which I create the structure myself in Airtable and then import it into Xano. The main things I need help with is Data manipulation using arrays and loops, since I need to generate new words from existing records using Concatenation formulas.

I'm a long-term user of Airtable and new to Xano mainly because of having exceeded the Airtable record limits. So I'm very well-versed in how to structure tables, create fields and connect them. However, I'm lost on the many more advanced functions Xano has.

I'm looking for someone who can offer me guidance on how to implement Data manipulation functions and general advice on my database structure for speed and efficiency.


  • Pawel Magdanski
    Pawel Magdanski Member ✭✭✭


    Would be happy to help. I'm working with Xano and data manipulation on a daily basis.

    You can drop me a message at pmagdanski@gmail.com and we can have a meeting to talk about your project

  • Xano freelance


    I am interested to work with you, I am a Nocode Developer i have worked on many xano projects

    Feel Free to contact me via email aasif.freelancer@gmail.com